Sunday, June 13, 2010

YOU Owe ME Money Evil Erik

Hey Erik Taylor, you promised to pay me and you haven't!    YOU OWE ME MONEY!   You said you "just  wanted to help" and you were so worried about my situation-  Then why didn't you pay me like you promised?

Mr Erik Taylor,  a self described  "nice guy who enjoys going out of his way to help strangers in desperate straits out of the goodness of his heart".   The same Erik Taylor, MUSICIAN, who implies he is financially well off and is just giving back.  The real Erik Taylor is a total fraud!   He is  a cheap little hustler who rips people off.   He will lie about anything and everything. His focus is always on getting what he wants without earning it or paying for it. He seems to really enjoy situations when he can take advantage of the suckers who make the mistake of believing him. He could care less about anybody but himself.

Thank you, Erik Taylor. It was such a big help to save me from homelessness when you offered to pay me more than I would have been able to earn, took up a lot of my time I needed to be earning money- Yes, good for you, Erik, you got a great bargain!  I gave it my all and how much did you pay me?  Not a fucking penny. Not because you weren't pleased with what I did for you but because you're a lying thief.  You didn't care if not paying me caused me to be homeless.  You were so angry I wouldn't just let YOU help me by ME moving in with you and becoming your unpaid live in personal assistant, maid, nanny, and hooker.
And I LOVE how you have threatened to take everything away from me and make sure I'm living on the streets when confronted for not paying me.  What happened to pretending to be a nice guy?  Now you're pretending to be some dangerous master criminal who has the power and skill to control other people's lives?   Yeah, right.  I get it.  You're a con artist.   A liar and not a word out of your mouth can be believed.
I may have been suckered into believing you for awhile but that doesn't make you a better person, Erik.   It does make you a thief and a scam artist.  In fact, there's no competition I can offer in those areas.  You'll beat me hands down if that's what we're being rated on.
You did make one little tiny mistake a good scam artist NEVER makes. You admitted you weren't going to pay me what I was owed  IN WRITING  when you sent my one of your many vicious emails.

Erik my dear,  when you lie,  eventually they come back and bite you in the ass.  If you would just stick to the truth,  you might be embarrassed at things you've done and said- hey- we've all done that.  But you made a fool of yourself,  made yourself look, well, psycho,  and exposed yourself as a liar.  And you did it all by yourself-  I had nothing to do with it- not to mention what you said about me had nothing to do with the truth and what you really thought of me. You know you think I'm a stubborn bitch you'd love to be able to break, or at least manipulate.

What I really am,  is just someone that YOU,  Erik Taylor,  owe money to.