Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What I Think About Evil Erik

Hey Erik Taylor, you are always assuming you know what I think and you are almost always wrong.  I'll make it easy for you.  Here's what I think about you.  You are branded a wasted entity with no soul.  Your words mean nothing to me,  the same as you.  Say what you will.  You are dead  to me- You died a long time ago.  I have already mourned for your soul.  I'm done with you.  You, as a person worth anything to me, no longer exist.  You have no soul left to save.
You have claimed that I'm being punished for my sins,  but it seems to me you are being  punished.   Look at you.  You look like hell.  Look at how far you've sunk to. You're empty and unhappy. You're a drug addict and an alcoholic. You have to pay for sex. You're a liar, a hypocrite  and you use people. You're controlling little tyrant who can't admit he's wrong.  You don't admit to your mistakes and can't seem to offer a sincere apology. You're a fool, Erik Taylor. A short sighted fool. You're so limited.  You try to destroy everything you touch. You're sick and diseased, bitter and angry. You're hopeless, worthless and condemned to repeat the same mistakes. You're a dead shell of a man.

The place you live is so filled with evil that it sucks the good out of everything. You're perverted, sick and unable to feel real joy. You're perversions are getting sicker and  sicker, but it's never enough to satisfy you. You are the most evil person I've met and  being at your house made me sick, literally. I felt like I wanted to die when I was there. I've never felt like that anywhere else.

Your day of reckoning is coming.  It always does and your kind never sees it. You are going to hell and you know it.  You can't take me with you.  You can't take me anywhere. You can't  touch me,  either literally or metaphorically. You only thought you had influence over me. You never did but you know that, don't you? That's what makes you so angry. You know, you  have a lot in common with Hitler. You would have been a fine Nazi. You probably would have enjoyed it.

Your heart is black and dead. Same as your soul. It's back to hell  for you. I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry you are evil.  I feel the pain of your damaged soul but I can't help you. You have to help yourself. You were never meant to save me because I never needed saving. You were given the chance to be the person you claim to be but aren't  and you failed miserably. I can't help you. You have to help yourself. You have to make the changes. No one can do it for you.

I hope that someday you are given another chance for redemption and you don't blow it. I know I won't be around to see what you do, you are out of my life for good and forever.  I don't want to see you again.

Evil Erik Can TASTE Carbon Monoxide

That's AMAZING, Erik Taylor!  You testified 
in court that you could taste the carbon monoxide.  It's odorless and tasteless! Maybe if you weren't so stupid you would have known that. If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd have researched it before you lied in court.

Good old Erik is always looking for some way to make easy money.  He is obsessed with the idea of suing someone. Unfortunately Erik doesn't know a thing about the law.  So far he has met with total failure. 

One day Erik is going to get slapped with a perjury charge- it's only a matter of time....

Miserable Evil Erik

Erik Taylor, you are  the sleaziest  50 year old I know! I can't believe the crap that comes out of your mouth. You REALLY need to stop lying. It's pathetic. I mean, really, have you NO self respect? NO integrity?

Do you plan on living the rest of your life being an asshole, always taking more than you give, creating more misery than happiness? Generally  spreading negativity? I know you've managed to do that for  50 years but you might want to consider a change. After all, you're  such an UNHAPPY asshole. What a way to waste  your life, but that's the  choice you've made. You have total control over how much of an asshole you are. And you are a big asshole most of the time.

But hey, you just keep on living your life the same way. Don't change a thing and keep bitching about all the bad situations you find yourself in. Never take responsibility for creating them. Always blame someone else. In the end, it's your life. And it will be your MISERABLE life. 

You might want to be a lot more careful who you try to use and abuse. You're not very good at judging who you can use and abuse. You just may pick on the wrong person and they will teach you a lesson you won't like.   

Why don't you just go ahead and die? You're obviously trying to kill yourself (slowly) with the amount & variety of drugs you use and the alcohol you combine it with. You might as well die, you stupid, miserable asshole.  You're already dead inside. That's right, Erik. You're not even close to being able to have a normal, healthy life. You have unhealthy drama filled relationships because of how YOU are. You're mentally sick- and you're physically and mentally abusive. Yep- you're a big old asshole. You're not fun to be around. You are a miserable jerk- congrats on being the best you can be at what you are. You must be so proud of being such an asshole.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If you believe I have any fond feelings towards you, Erik Taylor,  you are delusional. How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested! Get it through your head. I DON'T LIKE YOU!

I find your behavior offensive and insulting. I'm sick of the way you treat me and I've made it very clear to you that I won't tolerate it. I don't know why you keep trying to feed me your line of bullshit. It isn't working. I know all you want to have sex with me. Well,  I don't want to have sex with you. I'm tired of your bullshit and I don't like you. You were a big mistake I made. I won't be repeating that mistake again. I remember exactly what kind of person you are. You are scum. You're a liar and you never keep your word on anything. You're mean and you always put yourself and what you want above everything else. You're inconsiderate and insensitive. I know you well,  Erik. I know you're not a nice person. You're a sleazy scammer out only for himself. You have no morals and you are, at heart, dishonest.

Your actions speak much louder than your words. I really don't like you, Erik and I have good reasons not to. So lay off the bullshit with me. I'm sick of it. Stop making a fool of yourself because it's getting you nowhere with me. At least, it's not going to get you what you want.

The Gold Diggers Are After Evil Erik

Erik Taylor seems to believe that most of the women he comes across are gold diggers.  He is really concerned about one of these ladies taking advantage of him.

Rest assured, Erik Taylor. You have nothing to worry about. You don't have anything that would interest a gold digger! You don't have any money and no prospects of ever being well off.

Really Erik, what would make you think that gold diggers would have any interest in you? Could it be the lies you tell about how well off you are?  Let's see, you described your house as being very nice and in a good neighborhood-  Reality is you live in a run down little house in a bad neighborhood. You claimed to be a musician. Right. You and every other 50 year old loser who sits alone in his garage, still clinging to that fantasy of being a rock star. All you're really doing is making a lot of noise that annoys your neighbors. You also claim to be a licensed plumber. So you have a contractors license, do you? Funny, but the State of California would have to disagree with that. You are nowhere to be found on the list of contractors. You don't even have a steady job- and just how many temp jobs were you fired from?  In the first four months I knew you you were fired from three jobs.

Don't worry about the gold diggers, Erik. They are not interested in you. It's funny that the only women you can get your claws into are the naive or the vulnerable. But everyone eventually sees the real you. You're ugly, mean, selfish and  controlling. You can't hold a job.

I mean, REALLY, why would anyone like you? When they get to know the real you, they  never do. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

YOU Owe ME Money Evil Erik

Hey Erik Taylor, you promised to pay me and you haven't!    YOU OWE ME MONEY!   You said you "just  wanted to help" and you were so worried about my situation-  Then why didn't you pay me like you promised?

Mr Erik Taylor,  a self described  "nice guy who enjoys going out of his way to help strangers in desperate straits out of the goodness of his heart".   The same Erik Taylor, MUSICIAN, who implies he is financially well off and is just giving back.  The real Erik Taylor is a total fraud!   He is  a cheap little hustler who rips people off.   He will lie about anything and everything. His focus is always on getting what he wants without earning it or paying for it. He seems to really enjoy situations when he can take advantage of the suckers who make the mistake of believing him. He could care less about anybody but himself.

Thank you, Erik Taylor. It was such a big help to save me from homelessness when you offered to pay me more than I would have been able to earn, took up a lot of my time I needed to be earning money- Yes, good for you, Erik, you got a great bargain!  I gave it my all and how much did you pay me?  Not a fucking penny. Not because you weren't pleased with what I did for you but because you're a lying thief.  You didn't care if not paying me caused me to be homeless.  You were so angry I wouldn't just let YOU help me by ME moving in with you and becoming your unpaid live in personal assistant, maid, nanny, and hooker.
And I LOVE how you have threatened to take everything away from me and make sure I'm living on the streets when confronted for not paying me.  What happened to pretending to be a nice guy?  Now you're pretending to be some dangerous master criminal who has the power and skill to control other people's lives?   Yeah, right.  I get it.  You're a con artist.   A liar and not a word out of your mouth can be believed.
I may have been suckered into believing you for awhile but that doesn't make you a better person, Erik.   It does make you a thief and a scam artist.  In fact, there's no competition I can offer in those areas.  You'll beat me hands down if that's what we're being rated on.
You did make one little tiny mistake a good scam artist NEVER makes. You admitted you weren't going to pay me what I was owed  IN WRITING  when you sent my one of your many vicious emails.

Erik my dear,  when you lie,  eventually they come back and bite you in the ass.  If you would just stick to the truth,  you might be embarrassed at things you've done and said- hey- we've all done that.  But you made a fool of yourself,  made yourself look, well, psycho,  and exposed yourself as a liar.  And you did it all by yourself-  I had nothing to do with it- not to mention what you said about me had nothing to do with the truth and what you really thought of me. You know you think I'm a stubborn bitch you'd love to be able to break, or at least manipulate.

What I really am,  is just someone that YOU,  Erik Taylor,  owe money to.