Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Evil Erik Cries Wolf

You're just a lying manipulating VIOLENT loser, Erik Taylor.  You got angry because you could not control a "whore"  so you  made up stories  about being stalked. Lied about being threatened and  how you feared for your life. You would know about ALL that kind of stuff because YOU were the one who did all that. 

Don't you know the moral of  "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?   Keep claiming the wolf, or in your case a  "psychotic  whore" is after you, STALKING you,  eventually people get wise and stop believing you. Imagine what others would think if they knew it was you who was chasing  the big bad wolf / Psychotic Whore. And imagine their surprise that you tried for over
two years  to get  her to move in with you. Imagine their shock that you wore her down eventually  and  moved her into  your house.  Why  would  you  move  a psychotic whore into  your house  and share your  bed with her?

Be careful!  Remember the moral of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Because of the boy's lies, no one believes him  when he does finally tell the truth  The wolf gets him.