Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Evil Erik and His Psychotic Ex Girlfriends

Erik Taylor describes the women he's been involved with as psychotic whores. 
How does one man find so many crazy women?
Could it be it's not the women who are crazy but it's Erik Taylor who is crazy? 
One has to wonder.....

Evil Erik Cries Wolf

You're just a lying manipulating VIOLENT loser, Erik Taylor.  You got angry because you could not control a "whore"  so you  made up stories  about being stalked. Lied about being threatened and  how you feared for your life. You would know about ALL that kind of stuff because YOU were the one who did all that. 

Don't you know the moral of  "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?   Keep claiming the wolf, or in your case a  "psychotic  whore" is after you, STALKING you,  eventually people get wise and stop believing you. Imagine what others would think if they knew it was you who was chasing  the big bad wolf / Psychotic Whore. And imagine their surprise that you tried for over
two years  to get  her to move in with you. Imagine their shock that you wore her down eventually  and  moved her into  your house.  Why  would  you  move  a psychotic whore into  your house  and share your  bed with her?

Be careful!  Remember the moral of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Because of the boy's lies, no one believes him  when he does finally tell the truth  The wolf gets him.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Evil Erik Taylor and Emotional Wounds

Don't EVER start talking about emotional wounds to me- unless you want to receive  the equivalent of a nuclear blast to your overblown sense of self.  Don't you dare  bitch to me about  anything!  I'm tired of listening to you.  You've treated me badly  and you have caused a lot of damage in my life. You have  nothing  to complain about.  You were the cause  of  most  of the turmoil.  You  inflicted the real emotional wounds.

Go back to your pornos and your mid life crisis. Maybe you  should take  a spin  on that wuss Harley of yours. That will impress your usual trailer park trash women.  Be sure to wear your black Led Zep t-shirt you think is so cool.   PLEASE!!  it's a Led Zep t-shirt! It's not as if a million other  people  don't have one.  You are  SO typical, a wanna-be musician riding a Harley, wearing a Led Zep t-shirt.  You are a cliche!  Just another middle aged man  bitter  that life has passed him by.

It must be humiliating, Mr. "I was in a band"  how you've been reduced to paying for sex.  Why are you so afraid that people will find that out?  It's not as if it's not apparent that  you're a  LOSER. You're the only one who doesn't seem to know it.

Go ahead! Keep treating everyone like they owe you something. Act as if your needs are more important than others. Gee, Erik, I wonder why all your relationships go bad....

Living with Evil Erik is Hell on Earth

You sure do a great job at making it 
HELL on Earth 
for people you come into contact with. 

Is it your intent, Erik Taylor, 
to make everyone around you miserable?  
Or is it that you are homesick and  
trying to recreate where you came from?

Vampirelike Erik Taylor

I'm talking to you, Erik Taylor!  
You're like a vampire,
you suck the life out of everything good.  
You're unhappy with everything in your life.  
You spread unhappiness like an air-born disease.   
Does that make you  feel  important? 
Powerful?  By causing misery for others?

You enjoy being miserable and wallow in negativity. 
You try to make others feel sorry for you by lying,  
creating stories painting you as an innocent victim
How someone is ALWAYS taking advantage of you 
or causing you problems because you're so nice
How you don't understand it because you are
just a nice guy who likes to help others. 

You are the opposite of a nice guy. 
You are the one taking advantage of others. 
You relish causing problems for others. 
You're not nice, you're mean and cruel. 
You search for vulnerable people and exploit them.  
You do your best to drag them down.
It's easier to manipulate them that way,
to take advantage of them, to control them.
You try to make them as miserable as you.
You feed of the misery of others.

You're a cold, cruel, insensitive, heartless person.
You didn't just break my heart, you hurt my soul.
The damage you caused made me feel hopeless. 
You sucked the life out of me! 

It's taken awhile, but you can't bring me down. 
You no longer have any influence over me. 
You can't take anything else from me.
You can't hurt me more than you already have.
You have no affect on me any longer. 

The stake I drive through your cold dead heart 
is exposing the truth  about you. 
Spotlighting your dishonesty is the light you fear. 
I'm shining a light directly on you.
You can't hide & the real you isn't very pretty. 

I Love You Means Nothing If Erik Taylor Says It

Erik Taylor, you don't know 
what love is.  You say the 
words  "I love you"  but 
you don't know what they 
mean. I believe you  say 
them to manipulate the 
feelings of others, to feel 
like you're in control. 

All you feel is lust and
that's not love, baby.
As for making love, you 
haven't a clue what that 
takes. All you do is have 
sex. Period. End of story.